2018....Let's Wrap It Up!

The Lettering Lifestyle - 2018 Year End Review

It’s the last day of 2018 and if the quote “time flies when you are having fun” then the year sped by like a falcon. It seemed like it was just yesterday I was making plans for 2018, and now I am wrapping it up. There were clear hits and misses for my plans and some unexpected just projects popped into our studio and we made some major progress which is the only solid goal for me as a small business owner and lettering artist.

In 2017 I wrote a book so I figured it would be hard to surpass that momentous year but I took it in stride and created new cliffs for me to jump off of, scaring the wits out of myself at times but in the end, look at me… still here alive and well… doing things that scare me is also a MUST-DO every year. Here is what I’ve been up to for 2018!

Let’s Talk Numbers !

Commissions and Signage:

  • Worked with 94 Brides & Grooms

  • Welcome Signs 60

  • Seating Charts 46

  • Other Signage, Desserts/Bar Menus/Programs/Love Stories 119

Our most sought after pieces are definitely the Welcome signage and seating charts, these 2 pieces are the most important parts of the wedding as they greet the guests and also lets them know where they are sitting. I believe our meticulous planning and artistic composition and design allows us to work with more and more beautiful couples every year.


YouTube Channel - The Lettering Lifestyle

So I spoke about jumping off of cliffs earlier, and there is no higher cliff and nothing scarier than starting my YouTube channel… The Lettering Lifestyle . I knew I wanted to share more of my process and ideas of how to use lettering in my day to day life so I figured this channel would be another route to express my ideas and teach others as well. In total I created 4 videos that showed a variety of surfaces, styles and reasons why I letter. It was a big adjustment to speak and teach in front of a camera and I am so thankful to my team of videographers/editors Henjo Films and About Us Films for making me look and sound great. There shall be more to come for 2019, I am just waiting for the next perfect opportunity to show you how to letter on the next beautiful surface….

Teaching Workshops!

After years of people asking if I taught workshops, this year I finally wrapped my head around what I wanted to teach! There are many workshops out there when it comes to lettering and calligraphy already so what I really wanted was to bring a different element to my sessions… I realized what I wanted to teach was a frame of mind. I wanted my guests/students to learn about this lifestyle that I have lived all my life, one where every surface and item had unlimited creative possibilities if you only knew HOW to draw letters and what tools you needed to actually letter on them. I would like to say I don’t create workshops, but lettering experiences. I have had the pleasure of hosting my own workshop this year and working with others such as Joy Scout Learnshops and The Toronto Public Library as well.

Lettering All Around Town!

This year I made it a point to step out of the comforts of my studio and take in the opportunities outside of my tiny little space! Even with the YouTube videos and workshops, they were always in venues that were new to me so my senses were always heightened and I learned to teach/letter on the go, outside of my studio and with an audience at times! I had so many great opportunities lettering for awesome events some of my favourites includes the private clubhouse for the Toronto Blue Jays for their gala the Curveball, wonderful charities such as the Bibliogala for the Toronto Public Library, and the Boobyball. I also had my first book signing at Yorkdale Mall at the Chapters Indigo which was a great experience. I took opportunities to learn as well taking workshops with masters of lettering such as Lauren Hom and Paul Antonio, reiterating the fact that I love to add to my skill set and will continue to be a student in life and lettering. No matter how much you think you know, there is always more to learn.

Top 3 Personal Triumphs and Favourite Styled Shoots & Editorials

There really is so much to cover in one post but I wanted to share some moments I felt were triumphs this year, first up! Doubling my booth size at the One of a Kind Show…its been a long time coming, but this year I finally made the leap to a full size booth 10 x 10… this meant a whole redesign of my booth but also signified growth which always makes me happy. Second, I quietly reached 20K followers on Instagram, my favourite social media platform! I really credit Instagram a lot for my small and big victories, it allows me to share my passion and work in such a beautiful and accessible way and it will always be my special place to share! Third and most exciting, I actually worked with Hallmark…yes that HALLMARK on a calendar for 2020. Growing up Hallmark was hands down my favourite store in the mall, it was a paper lovers dream and the best place to find beautiful and unique items, so when they reached out to me, I had to really pinch myself! So more will be revealed when the calendar comes out, but here is a sneak peek of one of my favourite illustrations.


And amongst all the above there are the wonderful styled shoots that I get to be a part of. Some end up on beautiful blogs such as Junebug Weddings and some land right in the middle of magazines such as Mingle Magazine’ Autumn edition and The Bridal Affairs inaugural edition. Here are some of my favourite styled shoot moments.

So you see we have had a great year and made some big moves, no doubt in 2019 we will charge on with our passion of creative lettering and calligraphy and we can’t wait to share them all with you! If you would like to know more about our upcoming workshops as well as receive news and lettered freebies don’t forget to sign up for our mailing list! Happy New Year & Happy Lettering….xoxo Doris