About Me – Doris Wai

10ps612678 What is it about lettering that resonates with me?  First and foremost it is the beauty of every font, how they are so different from each other but yet they do the same thing, tell you a story.  Letters to me are illustrations themselves, they have something to say.   Many see signage as advertising, as guides, as warnings, I see signage as stories.  Let me hear and tell your story with the perfect lettering & illustration. My core is to create beautiful signage with a purpose, to be part of moments, to be placed in new homes, to welcome new family members.  My purpose is to take the beauty of hand lettering beyond paper and pen and use it creatively to inspire and to design products that make the world a prettier place. As an OCADU graduate, founder and talent of Love Lettering, I have drawn & hand lettered since childhood.  Knowing that creativity was in my calling, I have started this company. It is an undeniable, not to be ignored life long passion. I Love Art.  I Love Illustrating.  I Love Lettering. 24 34 77 6282 Keep up with my lettering adventures, Instagram is my favourite social media platform and I post almost everyday with lettering and studio life, you will find new inspirations and products featured there above all other places.  @lovelettering_doriswai Have you "LIKED" our Facebook page? Please do to get the latest info and inspiration from Love Lettering. https://www.facebook.com/loveletteringtoronto To hear more about me and my work, please visit my blog section! My Shop: www.loveletteringtoronto.etsy.com